Tuesday, 18 June 2013

History of Stop motion Animation

Stop motion animation is a technique used to make static objects appear as if they were moving. claymation and puppet based animations are some of the most common version of stop motion that are used. The objects are brought to life by breaking up the figure's motions into increments and filming one frame of per increment. I state show a brief history of stop motion animation below showing the changes over the years.


In 1878 a english photographer called Eadweard Muybridge wanted to prove that horses lifted all four feet off the ground when trotting. He placed 24 cameras with electric shutters in a row which trigged a sequence four every second the horse passed by.

In 1907 a film producer called J. Stuart Blackton created a short movie called the haunted house i  like this animation because it flows really well and keeps me interested throughout the clip

Willis O'Brien a modle animator made one of the most famous stop motion animation in cinema by creating king kong characters I think the king kong climbing and fighting off aeroplanes scene was extremely clever for its era. 

A stop motion model animator called Ry Harryhausen created a very popular scene in the film Jason and the Argonauts the scene is question is skeleton fight which took over 4 months to make but it thinks its definitely worth it it

Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas was the first time i was exposed to stop motion animations i always wondered when i was younger has the character moved. What i like about the animation in the film is how smooth it looks.

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